Baby swimming FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions

How soon can I start lessons with my baby?

It is safe to start lessons right away from birth. They do not need to wait for vaccinations to be completed based on health guidelines. However, if your baby is premature, you should talk to your doctor to ensure they are deemed medically fit before bringing them to the pool.

What do we need to wear? 

For the adult accompanying the baby, any comfortable swimwear. For baby, they will need to have a double nappy system, either a disposable or reusable swim nappy, then a reusable neoprene swim nappy over the top. They can also have swim shorts or a swimsuit over the top but not necessary. Baby wetsuits are also recommended to help keep your baby warm in the water.

What do I need to bring with me?

You will need to bring a towel for both, warm clothes to change into, both disposable and neoprene swim nappy, and swimwear for adults. 

Can I bring a spectator? 

You can bring another adult spectator. Unfortunately, you cannot leave another child unattended on the poolside to watch. A Child must be accompanied by a responsible adult if they come to watch lessons. It is one adult per child in the pool. 

What happens during a lesson? 

During a lesson, you will get expert help and guidance in how best to support your baby in the water and help them develop lots of skills like splashing, reaching and grasping from day 1. The themed lessons are in a relaxed, calm and friendly environment to help both adult and baby bond 

What happens if a lesson is cancelled?

You will be notified as soon as possible, and a credit will be added to your account for the following term. 

What do I do if myself or my child are sick?

If you/baby are a little under the weather but would still like to participate, then that is good to do so; make sure to bring plenty of warm clothes for after the lesson. If there is a temperature or any other signs of illness/infection please stay at home.

If you or your child have vomiting and/or diarrhoea, please wait 48 hours from your last symptom. 

What do I need to do if I want to change lessons? 

You can either talk to your instructor after your lesson, or you can email us via